Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow Day!

Ah, we're having a steady snow here in Brooklyn. I think its the first snow to really stick, which is pretty exciting. I've noticed that I'm feeling a lot more resilient when it comes to the weather lately...I'm not sure whether to attribute that to solid food or the extra fats I'm consuming.

I feel like I ate a lot today! Even my co-teacher commented on it, haha. I definitely didn't "overeat," I think I just had an appetite. I overslept today and never had a chance to throw together a green smoothie. I feel like I've been looking pretty beat lately, and its definitely due to a lack of sleep and the fact that I'm not getting in the green juices I was before. I'm going to have a nap, then make myself a quart or two when I wake up. Also considering a more strict sleep schedule that involves more...sleeping.

Teh Yummies
-- 3 apples
--massaged salad: 1/2 bunch kale, 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, 1/4 cuke, a few slices of red onion, handful of crunchy sprouts and a handful of alfalfies, drizzle of EVOO & balsamic, 1/2 bunch rocket, 3 tbs hemp seed
-- chamomile tea w/ 2oz honey
-- 2 mangos
-- 2 avocados (one was small)

-- 10 oz figs
-- small handful of blueberries
-- 1.5Q celery/kale/apple/ginger/cuke (1 heart celery, 1 head kale, 1 cucumber, 2" chunk ginger, 2 of the biggest candycrisp apples I've seen in my life)

1 comment:

Neeta said...

alison, you are so right, post-east is turning out to be a wonderful time too :-)
congratulations to you too.....
hope you get some good sleep soon....
much love,
xxx neeta