Tuesday, December 16, 2008

what a silly quote...

"But the bottom line," he added, "is that we already know that the genes that are associated with exceptional longevity already exist, and that they are concentrated in subgroups of the population. And the rest of us don't have those genes, or don't have all of them. Those who do have won the genetic lottery for making it out to exceptional old age. And, unfortunately, if you haven't won, there's no chance you can make it."
--Jay Olshansky, a senior research scientist at the University of Chicago's Center on Aging

from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/16/AR2008121600756_2.html

1 comment:

Neeta said...

hi alison, just wanted to stop by and wish you happy holidays and a wonderful beautiful new year, filled with love, light and laughter.....
and to say thanks for all the incredible sharing we did early this year, you enriched my life kalequeen....
much love,