Monday, May 26, 2008

Orange Juice!

Today I got a good run in (the Prospect Park loop in 34 minutes -- roughly a 10 minute mile), and TONS of juice:

- 40oz OJ
- 2 quarts OJ
- 20oz green juice (spinach/cuke/apple/ginger)
- 24oz watermelon juice

I want to work on upping my water intake for tomorrow, but I'm really happy about my workout and juicing today!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday's Run

Hm...I just returned from a 4.6 mile run. It took me 39 minutes, so I averaged an 8:30 minute mile. I'm REALLY happy about that, considering the run felt VERY easy compared to the 11:ish minute mile run I did on the treadmill the other day. Seems like the speedwork is paying off, so I'm going to continue with it a couple of times per week throughout the training. I'm so stoked to do the next couple of weeks of training while feasting, and am excited to see what will happen performance wise. Running felt SO easy tonight.

Juicing today has been great, today I enjoyed
~ 2qts pineapple/beet/apple/ginger juice
- 1 qt green juice (2 bunches kale, 3 gala apples, 1/2 cucumber)
- 400mL apple-blueberry juice

I might have some orange juice later but I've still got quite a bit of the beet/pineapple to go, and I'm feeling pretty satisfied. On the menu for tomorrow is (DEFINITELY) watermelon, blueberry/apple juice, apple/celery, and my usual green juice...if anyone has any yummy suggestions let me know!

YAY FOR COLD REFRIGERATORS! Mine started to work again randomly, which is AMAZING! The Universe totally hearts me. :)

1/2 Training Update & Divine Intervention


I'm ashamed to say that my half-marathon training isn't going as well as planned. Right now I'm running about 3 of the scheduled 6 runs per week. I've been doing a little too much goofing off and not enough running. Specifically, spending WAY too much time with my love (and loading up on veggie sandwiches because of it -- but no soy!) I'm taking a sabbatical. I've had enough. I need to get back into juicing and preparing my own healthy meals, so I'm going to spend alot more time alone with my juicer and running this week. :)

Um, and I was supposed to begin a Juice Feast today. I'd only planned a short one -- 10 days or so, to detox my body and kick off raw foods again. I stocked up on some stuff last night to start my day with today, anticipating a larger trip to the co-op this afternoon. When I opened the fridge this morning when I woke up, everything was room temperature. Fuuuuck. I went ahead and juiced everything I had, and am now choking down room temperature green juice. I called my landlord and she said she'd come by TOMORROW. wtf? I'm just grateful this didn't happen when I had a fridge FULL of produce.

After I finish these juices and some water, I'm going tohead out for a couple of easy loops around Prospect Park. I'm determined to run this half-marathon.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Half-M update!

Okay, so a few running schedule, while ludicrously inconsistent (I've been skipping out on the stretching/strengthening days REALLY bad, and missed Wednesday's run because my leg was sore), has been good. I felt like I sprinted the Prospect Park loop on Tuesday, and I'm really feeling like my running is improving rapidly. I've been upping my green intake (salads, etc) but haven't gotten into any juicing yet. Lots of crap has been cut out of my diet, and the only soy I've had this week has been soy milk with cereal, and in coffee. There's still some more junk to go, but things are already much better. 

I can't wait to see how things go if I do 100% again. 

I'm for sure going to incorporate the strength training and stretching on the days I'm supposed to. My goal next week to prioritize my health (sleeping & eating) and half-marathon training. I seriously overdosed on spending time with my darling this week and missed a couple of runs as a result, even though we usually go running together.

Uh, hm. 3-miler today to make up for Thursday's missed run, then a 4-mile run tomorrow evening. Woo! I'm off to professional development (fortunately 10 minutes from my house), to earn $213908234 per hour. Thinking about setting up an appointment to be fitted for a good pair of running shoes next weekend...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

News Flash: KQ is alive! And terrible at blogging!

I'm still kicking. Blogging has been at the bottom of my list of priorities the past few months due to grad school, the end of the school year for my kiddos, and *gasp* HALF-MARATHON TRAINING. I'm back now, and I hope to update every couple of days (at least) with my progress.

I began training for the NYC half-marathon (taking place July 27th) a couple of weeks ago. I've been eating what I consider to be a fairly junky vegan diet (lots of un-chicken patties, vegan bologna, ezekial bread, etc), and not too much as far as greens. This has left me feeling rather crappy as a result. My running has improved regardless, so I'm stepping it up this week and including more green smoothies and tons of salad & green juice. I want to see if I can run this training totally raw, but I'm not rushing anything.

As far as the training, I'm following Hal Higdon's half-marathon program, which involves steadily increasing my mileage over the next 11 weeks until I'm ready for the 13.1 half.

I got a bit behind on my runs the past few days since it was the last week of the semester, and ended up running two longer runs back to back. Late last night I ran the Prospect Park loop (3.35 miles) with my love, and we ran it AGAIN (plus 0.7 for a total of 5 miles) this morning at like 10:00. Note to self: Don't ever fucking do that again. Tomorrow is my "stretching & strengthening" day. I've considered working in some Bikram to those days, but given the absurd intensity of the past two days, I'm thinking about sticking to a regular yoga class.

Anyway, the loop we ran last night felt like one of the best/easiest runs I've been on, and given the fact that my day's intake yesterday basically consisted of un-chicken patty sandwiches, I'm pretty excited to see what tons of fruit & greens will do to my performance. I think one of the reasons it went so well was from the three days of rest I took while scrambling to finish assignments. This morning's run wasn't nearly as good, since I was still recovering from yesterday's loop (heh, I think the two runs were actually within 12 hours of each other). Seriously though, never again, the last thing I want to do is injure myself.

Goals for the week of May 11th:
-- 3+ quarts water per day
-- 2 quarts fresh juices per day
-- no soy!