Sunday, May 25, 2008

1/2 Training Update & Divine Intervention


I'm ashamed to say that my half-marathon training isn't going as well as planned. Right now I'm running about 3 of the scheduled 6 runs per week. I've been doing a little too much goofing off and not enough running. Specifically, spending WAY too much time with my love (and loading up on veggie sandwiches because of it -- but no soy!) I'm taking a sabbatical. I've had enough. I need to get back into juicing and preparing my own healthy meals, so I'm going to spend alot more time alone with my juicer and running this week. :)

Um, and I was supposed to begin a Juice Feast today. I'd only planned a short one -- 10 days or so, to detox my body and kick off raw foods again. I stocked up on some stuff last night to start my day with today, anticipating a larger trip to the co-op this afternoon. When I opened the fridge this morning when I woke up, everything was room temperature. Fuuuuck. I went ahead and juiced everything I had, and am now choking down room temperature green juice. I called my landlord and she said she'd come by TOMORROW. wtf? I'm just grateful this didn't happen when I had a fridge FULL of produce.

After I finish these juices and some water, I'm going tohead out for a couple of easy loops around Prospect Park. I'm determined to run this half-marathon.

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