Saturday, January 26, 2008

Day 26

I think I've stumbled upon my favorite juice combination...I made it all day today. Kale, cucumber, apple, with ginger is simply divine! I found out the other day that kale is a warming food (along with ginger), which makes so much sense...the more of it I consume, the warmer and more balanced I feel.

Yesterday's Juices:
-- Tea w/honey
-- 2 qts kale/cuke/apple/ginger (1.5 lb kale, 3 kirby cucumbers, 6 apples, 2 inch cubes ginger)
-- 2 qts kale/cuke/apple/ginger (1.5 lb kale, 3 kirby cucumbers, 6 apples, 2 inch cubes ginger)

Juice on, lovely feasters!

1 comment:

Neeta said...

my favorite juice is similar to yours - kale, cucumber, celery, pear, true, kale and with ginger added to it, keeps me warm and balanced too :-)
i'm going to go and make your combination right now......

have a wonderful warm juicy weekend,