Wednesday, January 2, 2008

DAY 3!!11!

Hm...Day 3 of my juice feast has been fantastic...although I may need to adjust my intake. More juicing at night/in the afternoon and less water in the morning. My schedule isn't very flexible during the school day and having to pee in the middle of class is not enjoyable.

Today's Juiciness:
--2 quarts water with lemon
--1 quart green juice (1 bunch kale, 4 apples)
--1 pint apple blueberry juice (1 1/2 or 2 cups frozen blueberries, 3 apples)
--1.5 pints (3 cups) orange juice. YUM!
--juice of 1 thai coconut
--1 quart green juice (1 bunch lacinato, 5 McIntosh apples, 3 stalks of celery)
--1.5 pints (3 cups) fresh apple juice (2345763lbs apples)

I'm really trying to drink more water, particularly in the morning. I noticed a HUGE difference when I drank the quart of water this morning right when I woke up, while I was making my juices for the day. I felt so much more alert and didn't look as sleepy. :)

I can't wait to see the difference in 2 weeks...a month...92 days. I already feel 300% better and can see/feel a difference. My skin is clearer, I'm more calm (especially at school -- the kids' craziness hasn't been getting to me as much!), and I think I've already dropped a few pounds. Woo!

I also cracked open my very FIRST young thai coconut tonight! It was amaaazing. I think I'll go to chinatown and buy a case of them tomorrow. The ones I got at Whole Foods were $2.99 each, which is just ridiculous. They weren't even organic. Hacking it open was so much easier than I thought it would be, and its good to know that I can now stock up and keep them at home rather than making the arduous trip to Canal Street whenever I'm in the mood for some Coconut (which is basically every day).

After hitting the juicy gallon mark for the first day, I'm feeling really freakin' great! I started skinbrushing as well, yesterday, which is proving to be an excellent practice.

PS: MacIntosh Apples aren't sweet at ALL when it comes to green juices...yuck. 5 was actually nowhere near enough, and I don't even like my green juices that sweet! Next time I'll probably add 7 or 8 per head of lacinato.

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